Dolores Helguero de Rivas


Ethnic origen: White


1798  -  Tucumán  -  Unknown  -  She was born to a distinguished Tucumán family.
1816  -  Tucumán  -  Unknown  -  She met Manuel Belgrano.
1819  -  Tucumán  -  Unknown  -  She gave birth to Belgrano's daughter on 4 May 1819.


Belgrano family
Women praised/ admired/ rewarded by Belgrano

On 10 July 1816, Belgrano met María Dolores Helguero, at a dance to celebrate the victory of Tucumán the day before. She was aged 18, from a distinguished Tucumán family, with dark eyes and fair hair. In February 1819 Belgrano left with 5,500 men to suppress a caudillo uprising in the interior leaving Helguero pregnant. Her parents married her to a man from Catamarca named Rivas and her daughter Manuela Mónica del Corazón de Jesús was born on 4 May 1819. In August 1819, Belgrano, seriously ill, returned to Tucumán to see his daughter. Helguero had three children with Rivas before he left her. (Aguirre, 136)


Aguirre, Gisela, et al (editor). (1999) Manuel Belgrano, Colección dirigida por Félix Luna