Isidro Rafael Gondra


Ethnic origen: White


1841-1842  -  Mexico City  -  Unknown  -  He edited Semanario de las Señoritas from 1841-1842.


Editors newspapers and magazines
Education for Girls (Mexico)
Newspaper, Semanario de las Señoritas (Mexico)
Writers (men)

From Mexico, he was editor of Semanario de las Señoritas, 1841-1842. Its articles were intended to educate women readers in history, music, literature, religion, science, embroidery, domestic duties. It was divided into fine arts, physique, literature and morality. (Knaster, 94)

In 1841, he wrote a pamphlet, Prospecto, Semanario de las Senoritas, Mexico City, in which he denounced opposition to female education as “antique”. (Arrom, 20)


Arrom, Silvia Marina (1985) The women of Mexico City, 1790-1857
Knaster, Meri (1977) Women in Spanish America: An Annotated Bibliography from Pre-Conquest to Contemporary Times