María Juana Matta


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1821  -  Santiago de Chile  -  Unknown  -  She was probably living here in 1821.
1821  -  Santiago de Chile  -  Unknown  -  She wrote to an exiled priest on 29 December 1821.


Royalists (women)
Women, wrote letters

1821 - Letter written to a priest exiled by O´Higgins in which she expresses her unease regardin.....

The daughter of Manuel Martínez de Matta of León, Spain, and Josefa Irarrázaval, she married a Spaniard, Manuel Pérez Camino. On 29 December 1821 she wrote to José Alejo Eyzaguirre, a high priest expelled to Mendoza by Bernardo O'Higgins in commiseration, and to express her unease about his exile. She probably wrote the letter in Santiago de Chile. (Vergara Quiroz, 120-121)


Vergara Quiroz, Sergio (1987) Cartas de mujeres en Chile, 1630-1885