Mary Causten de Carvallo


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1838-1840  -  Santiago de Chile  -  Unknown  -  She wrote letters to her family in Washington.


Bello friends
Carrera allies
Women, wrote letters

1838 - Letter to her parents describing "El día del Santo"
1840 - Letter to her parents describing a baptism ceremony and the arrival of Bulnes at Valparaíso.

In September 1838 and January 1840 she wrote to her parents in Washington, USA, from Santiago de Chile regarding religious and social customs and traditions. She refers to Andrés Bello's wife as her good friend. She was also in contact with the Carrera family. (Vergara Quiroz, 193-194, 204-206)

She married Manuel Carvallo. (Silva Castro, Cartas, 66)


Silva Castro, Raul (1958) Prensa y periodismo en Chile (1812-1956)
Vergara Quiroz, Sergio (1987) Cartas de mujeres en Chile, 1630-1885