Juana Feliciana Díaz


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1794  -  Caracas  -  Unknown  -  She petitioned the courts to solve her marriage difficulties.


Women's rights
Women, used legal system

1794 - petition

In 1794 she petitioned the courts of Caracas to resolve her marriage problems. She questioned her husband's role as head of her family and sought protection from the courts for her individual freedom. (Díaz, 2, 14)

In 1794 she wrote to the court, "How hard is the plight of a married woman! One rarely finds a husband who has the same regard toward his consorte. … The husband becomes a tyrant, the wife a slave, the home hell, and the children are unfortunate witnesses to this horrible and lamentable metamorphosis." (Díaz, 96) She added, "marriage though a sacrament always remains a pact". (Díaz, 97)


Díaz, Arlene J. (2004) Female Citizens, Patriarchs and the Law in Venezuela, 1796-1904