Eulogio Villarrútia


Ethnic origen: White


1792?  -  Mexico  -  Not applicable  -  He was born around this time.
1825?  -  Veracruz  -  Unknown  -  He served as an officer here before 1827.
1827  -  Mexico City  -  Unknown  -  He was living here in 1827 and attended literary and political tertulias in Mexico City.


Tertulias post-independent Mexico

R.H. Hardy describes him in as aged around 35 in 1827. He was “a distinguished officer in the Mexican service. [....] He commanded at Vera Cruz, when the breaking off of negotiations with the castle of San Juan de Ulloa brought on open hostilities between that castle and the forts of Vera Cruz. He is said to be the best officer in the Mexican army, and is besides the most gentlemanly and honourable man, and one whom I highly esteem.” He attended literary tertulias in Mexico City in 1827, at which many masons were present. (Hardy, 513)

Related to Jacoba Villarrutia, member of the Society of Guadalupines?


Hardy, R.W.H. (1829) Travels in the Interior of Mexico in 1825, 1826, 1827, &1828,