Maria França


Ethnic origen: White


1835  -  Porto Alegre  -  Patriot  -  Supported the Republican cause during the Farroupilha War (1835-45).


Farroupilha War
Women fighters in Brazil
Women soldiers

Maria França was a resident of Porto Alegre who supported the Republican side in the Farroupilha War of Rio Grande do Sul (1835-45). She narrowly escaped death at the hands of enemy Monarchist gunfire on one occasion when she was leaving the city. She is thought to have fought alongside the Farroupilha General Onofre Pires (Frigeri and Rüdiger, 174).


Frigeri, Rosane and Rüdiger, Francisco Ricardo Silveira, Diva Ione (editor). (1985) Mulher e Sociedade à Época Farroupilha
Silveira, Maria Dutra da Silveira, Diva Ione (editor). (1985) A Mulher na Revolução Farroupilha