Lucía García de Borja


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1818  -  Mexico  -  Unknown  -  Tiburcio Camiña petitioned for her release.
1818  -  Guanajuato  -  Unknown  -  She hid in the granary here.


García Borja family
Recogidas de Guanajuato
Women imprisoned, independence cause

She was the sister of Mariana Garcia, wife of Miguel Borja and mother of Cayetana Borja. She, Mariana and Cayetana were captured during the occupation of San Gregorio Fort. She hid in the Regidas de Guanajuato. On 24 October 1818 Dr Tiburcio Camiña asked Viceroy Juan Ruiz de Apodaca for the freedom of the three women. (Miquel i Vergés, 221)


Miquel i Vergés, José María (1969) Diccionario de Insurgentes