William (Guillermo) Miller


Ethnic origen: White


1795  -  Kent  -  Not applicable  -  He was born in Wingham, Kent, England in 1795.
1821  -  Tacna  -  Unknown  -  He led a campaign here in 1821.
1821  -  Arica  -  Unknown  -  He led a campaign here in 1821 to Moquergua (via Tacna).
1825  -  Potosí  -  Unknown  -  He was governor of Potosí.
1829  -  London  -  Unknown  -  His memoirs were published in London.
1861  -  Lima  -  Unknown  -  He died in Lima in 1865


Flora Tristán, described by
Foreign travellers
Tertulia, Tristán
Writers (men)

Born in Wingham, Kent, England in 1795, he lived in Peru for many years as Guillermo Miller. His works include Memorias (published, London, 1829) a two-volume study of Peruvian Independence. One volume underlines his role in the Independence Wars, a tactic used to boost book sales to provide an income for him. The second is more general and more neutral. (Wu)

He met Flora Tristán at her aunt, Manuela de Tristán’s Salon (Tristán, 259).

Lynch describes his "outstanding military service". He was governor of Potosí in 1825. (Lynch, xviii)

In 1821, he led a unit under San Martín, which landed in Arica, and went through Tacna to Moquegua. It left soon afterwards following minor victories, but caused great concern among Arequipa's royalists as it exposed Spain's weakness. (Wibel, 290)

He died in 1861.


Lynch, John (1986) The Spanish American Revolutions 1808-1826
Tristán, Flora Jean Hawkes (editor). (1986) Peregrinations of a Pariah
Wibel, John Frederick (1975) The Evolution of a Regional Community Within Spanish Empire and Peruvian Nation: Arequipa, 1780-1845
Wu de Brading, Celia (2002) The Life and Times of William Miller