Bartolomé Herrera


Ethnic origen: White


1808  -  Lima  -  Not applicable  -  He was born here in 1808.
1842  -  Lima  -  Unknown  -  He led the funeral of President Gamarra.
1864  -  Arequipa  -  Unknown  -  He died in Arequipa in 1864.


Conservatives (Peru)
Gamarra supporters
Writers (men)

Born in Lima, in 1808, he was the son of poor but respectable parents, Manuel José Herrera and Paula Vélez. His parents died when he was 5 and he and his brother went to live with his uncle, Luis Vélez, a priest at Santa Ana. This uncle died and Herrera took manual work to support himself, his brother and his aged aunt. He studied philosophy, maths and physics at the Colegio de San Carlos, first as an external student, later an internal one. He also studied theology and law. He was a cleric, politician, educator, and polemicist. In 1840 he became curate of Lurín (Lima?) where he met coronel José Rufino Echenique. In 1842 he led the funeral of President Gamarra. He became Rector of the Colegio de San Carlos in 1846 and was a senator in 1858. He died in Arequipa in 1864. (Romero del Valle, 153)

His Escritos y discursos were collected by Jorge Guillermo Leguía in 1930 and 1934. He led a conservative political tendency orientated towards national education. He spoke out against Orbegoso and presented Gamarra as a victim of patriotic love and injustice of the countries in formation, after Gamarra was killed in battle in 1841. He became an abolitionist. (Tamayo Vargas, 528-531)


Romero de Valle, Emilia (1966) Diccionario manual de literatura peruana y materias afines
Tamayo Vargas, Agusto Literatura peruana