Andrés Martínez


Ethnic origen: White


1795  -  Arequipa  -  Not applicable  -  Born
1829-1833?  -  Lima  -  Unknown  -  He was Gamarra's Minister of the Treasury.
1856  -  Arequipa  -  Unknown  -  Died


Conservatives (Peru)
Gamarra supporters
Sociedad Academia Lauretana (Peru)
Society 'Ateneo de Perú'
Tertulia, Pando

A Peruvian politician, member of the Academia Lauretana and El Ateneo de Perú, born in 1795. He died in 1856. (Romero de Valle, 34, 197-198)

He was the son of a merchant from Arequipa. He was a Conservative who attended José María de Pando's tertulias, and was Gamarra's Minister of the Treasury. (Wibel, 331)


Romero de Valle, Emilia (1966) Diccionario manual de literatura peruana y materias afines
Wibel, John Frederick (1975) The Evolution of a Regional Community Within Spanish Empire and Peruvian Nation: Arequipa, 1780-1845