Juana Ramírez


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1816?  -  Tenza  -  Unknown  -  She may have been executed here.
1818  -  Zapatoca  -  Unknown  -  She is said to have been executed in Zapatoca.
1818?  -  Ciénaga de Zapatosa  -  Patriot  -  She is said to have been shot here by the royalists.
1820?  -  Bogotá  -  Unknown  -  She may have been executed here on 10 May.


Women commemorated in statues, streets, airports
Women executed independence cause (Colombia)
Women soldiers, Heroines of Tenza, Colombia
Women spies for independence cause

Born in Tenza, Knaster claims that she was one of the heroines of Tenza who was shot in 1816. (Knaster, 486.)

Díaz y Díaz gives her execution date as March 1818 in Zapatosa. Her name appears on the plaque in Tenza. (Díaz y Díaz, 293)

She was shot in Socorro on 21 December 1816. (P. Forero, 45)

She worked as a spy and persuaded many other women to join the independence cause. She was shot in Bogotá on 10 May (1820?) (P. Forero, 160)


Díaz y Díaz, Oswaldo (1962) Los Almeydas: Episodios de la resistencia patriota contra el ejército pacificador de tierra firme
Forero, Paulo E. (1972) Las heroinas olvidadas de la independencia
Hincapie Borda, Alicia (2000) Tras la imagen y la presencia de Policarpa
Knaster, Meri (1977) Women in Spanish America: An Annotated Bibliography from Pre-Conquest to Contemporary Times