Concepción Briceño

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<I>Gazeta de Caracas</I>, 5 Nov 1811, p.3.
Gazeta de Caracas, 5 Nov 1811, p.3.
<I>Gazeta de Caracas</I>, 5 Nov 1811, p.4
Gazeta de Caracas, 5 Nov 1811, p.4


Ethnic origen: White


1811  -  Barinas  -  Patriot  -  She offered to enlist in the republican army.


Briceño family
Women offered to fight for independence cause
Women volunteers, Barinas

1811 - Letter signed by several women offering to fight for the independence cause.

She was among a group of women from Barinas province who in 1811 wrote to the governor offering to enlist in the republican army. Their offer was rejected, but their letter was printed in the Gaceta de Caracas on 5 November 1811. (Tosta, 72.)

The sister of Nicolasa and Rita Briceño?


Pérez Vila, Manuel (editor). (1983) Gaceta de Caracas
Tosta, Virgilio (1987) Historia de Barinas