Luisa Góngora


Ethnic origen: White


1812  -  Popayán  -  Unknown  -  She was executed in Popayán for trying to free the president from prison.
1812  -  Popayán  -  Unknown  -  She tried to free the imprisoned president of Popayán in 1812.


Women defended Caicedo y Cuero
Women disguised as men
Women executed for trying to free the President of Popayán

She dressed as a soldier in an attempt to free the President of Popayán, Joaquín Caicedo y Cuero, from prison in 1812. The plan was discovered and those involved were executed. (Knaster, 481)

In 1812 she wrote in protest against orders to execute patriot politician Joaquín Caicedo y Cuero. (Monsalve, 102)


Knaster, Meri (1977) Women in Spanish America: An Annotated Bibliography from Pre-Conquest to Contemporary Times
Monsalve, José D (1926) Mujeres de la independencia