María Leoncia Pérez Rojo


Ethnic origen: White


1760?  -  Spain  -  Not applicable  -  She was born in Spain.
1806-1814?  -  Montevideo  -  Unknown  -  She stayed here while her husband and son were at sea.
1816  -  Buenos Aires  -  Royalist  -  She wrote a satirical poem describing the independence celebrations in Buenos Aires.


Women imprisoned, independence cause
Writers (women) poets

1816 - Crítica versificada de las fiestas mayas montevideanas

A Spanish-born poet, the wife of naval Captain José María de Aldana y Malpico, she stayed in Montevideo while her husband and son were at sea. She was imprisoned due to her "unpatriotic activities" and her support for Ferdinand VII during the wars of independence. She wrote socio-political poems. (Knaster, 506.) She wrote a satirical poem in 1816 describing the first celebrations of independence in Buenos Aires in which she presents herself as a member of a persecuted minority. Flavio A. García found a copy of this poem, Crítica versificada de las fiestas mayas montevideanas, in the Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid. It was published in Revista Nacional Montevideo, 1954, Vol. 61 no.186, pp.379-388. (Davies, 123-127, 131)


Davies, Catherine, Brewster, Claire and Owen, Hilary (2006) South American Independence. Gender, Politics, Text
Knaster, Meri (1977) Women in Spanish America: An Annotated Bibliography from Pre-Conquest to Contemporary Times