Manuela Estacio

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Lima dress
Lima dress
Lima dress
Lima dress
Lima woman
Lima woman

Other names: Estancio


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1820  -  Ayacucho  -  Unknown  -  Her name was included in the Cuadro de Honor of the Album de Ayacucho.
1820  -  Lima  -  Patriot  -  She worked as a spy for San Martín while he was planning to take Lima.
1822  -  Peru  -  Patriot  -  She was awarded the Orden del Sol.


Liberals (Peru)
Orden del Sol (women)
San Martín, women connected to
Women imprisoned, independence cause
Women recruited soldiers for independence cause
Women spies for independence cause

She was involved in many conspiracy projects, working to seduce/ persuade the troops, exciting the chiefs and officials by giving them her services, and working to obtain freedom for those imprisoned for their liberal beliefs. This enthusiasm led her to Viceroy Pezuela to imprison her. Before entering prison she is reputed to have said "todo cuanto se sufre por la Patria, hasta la cárcel, sabe a gloria si se tiene puesta la mirada, en conquistar su libertad". She nonetheless kept in close contact with San Martín while he planned to take Lima and worked on secret commissions. She was awarded a gold medal and her name was included in the Cuadro de Honor of the Album de Ayacucho. (García y García, 215-216)

She is mentioned as having provoked the rage of the Mayor and Alcalde de Crimen. (Neuhaus Rizo, 121)

She was awarded the Orden del Sol by San Martín in 1822. (Gaceta de Lima, 23/1/1822, p.4)


(1950) Gaceta del Gobierno de Lima Independiente, Tomos I-III, Julio 1822-dic 1822
Davies, Catherine, Brewster, Claire and Owen, Hilary (2006) South American Independence. Gender, Politics, Text
García y García, Elvira (1924) La mujer peruana a través de los siglos
Neuhaus Rizo Patrón, Carlos (1997) Las Mariscalas