Mercedes Decimavilla de Illingworth

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Ethnic origen: White


1809  -  Guayaquil  -  Not applicable  -  Born in 1809 to Spanish parents
1823  -  Guayaquil  -  Unknown  -  She married Juan Illingworth, Intendente de Guayaquil.
1825-1826  -  Callao  -  Patriot  -  She took part in the blockade of Callao 1825-26.
1831  -  Paita  -  Patriot  -  She fled into exile here in 1831.
1831  -  Puná Island  -  Patriot  -  She fled from Puná and into exile.
1879  -  Guayaquil  -  Unknown  -  She died on 18 June 1879.


Female relatives of past and future leading political/military/ cultural figures
Wealth confiscated (for pro-independence support)
Wives of mercenaries
Women awarded medals by Bolívar (Peru)
Women imprisoned, independence cause
Women soldiers

Born in 1809 to Spanish parents, she married Juan Illingworth, Intendente de Guayaquil, in 1823. A fervent patriot, in 1825 she sailed with Illingworth him to Callao to take part in the blockade. She was awarded the Cruz de Honor by Bolívar for her bravery and was denoted "Colaboradora de la Independencia".

Illingworth was later transferred to Cartagena, and left the administration of his haciendas in Decimilla's hands. Following the assassination of Dávalos, she hid in a campesino's hut following fears that she'd be taken hostage. She remained there until Illingworth had re-established government. In 1831, during Flores's presidency, she and Illingworth were held on the island of Puná. Illingworth fled to Tumbez, Decimilla was imprisoned and interrogated, but refused to give the whereabouts of her husband. She went to join Illingworth in Paita, their wealth was confiscated. Their political enemies were defeated in 1836, enabling them to return to Ecuador. Their property was ruined, but they were able to make a living from the land. She died in 1879. (Estrada, 51-54).


Brown, Matthew (2006) Adventuring through Spanish Colonies: Simón Bolívar, Foreign Mercenaries and the Birth of New Nations
Estrada, Jenny (1984) Mujeres de Guayaquil, siglo XVI al siglo XX