Justa Estepa

Other names: Justina


Ethnic origen: Mestiza


1817  -  Tenza  -  Patriot  -  She smuggled letters from the patriots here.
1817  -  Garagoa  -  Patriot  -  She was executed (shot ) here on 16 January 1817.


Women executed independence cause (Colombia)
Women smuggled correspondence for the patriots

She was shot in Moreno, Colombia, in 1817 for her part in the independence struggles. (Hincapie Borda, 154)

A campesina who smuggled letters from the patriots of Valle de Tenza and Casanare. She captured by the royalists and the letters confiscated. She was then shot in Garagoa plaza. (P. Forero, 158)


Forero, Paulo E. (1972) Las heroinas olvidadas de la independencia
Hincapie Borda, Alicia (2000) Tras la imagen y la presencia de Policarpa