Consuelo Fernández


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1797  -  Venezuela  -  Not applicable  -  She was born in Villa de Cura, Venezuela.
1814  -  Venezuela  -  Unknown  -  She was executed on 10 February 1814 for passing messages to the patriot forces.


Women executed independence cause (Venezuela)
Women spies for independence cause

Born Villa de Cura, Venezuela in 1797, her brother Manuel was a officer in the independence army. In 1814, Villa de Cura was occupied by Spanish troops. Consuelo learned of a plan to attack her brother's unit by feigning friendship with a royalist colonel Pérez. Pérez asked Consuelo to marry her. Consuelo wrote to her brother to warn him of the attack, and that Colonel Pérez had dared to ask her aged father's permission to marry her. She pointed out the insurmountable difference between patriots and royalists. The letter was intercepted and got back to Colonel Pérez. He decided that she would either marry him or be shot. She and her father were arrested. Consuelo was shown the letter and protested her father's innocence, and added that she'd rather die a thousand deaths than marry a royalist. She was sentenced to death for transmitting military secrets to her brother. Her father was released. The following day, 10 February 1814, as she was led out to be executed in the Plaza, Colonel Pérez again told her that if she'd marry him her life would be spared. She refused proclaiming, "¡Viva la Patria!" and "¡Viva la Libertad!". As she faced the firing squad, her father ran into the Plaza and embraced her. The soldiers fired and they both fell together, still hugging each other. (N.A., Heroínas, 35-37.)


N.A. (1964) Heroínas venezolanas