Gregorio Funes


Ethnic origen: Unknown


1749  -  Córdoba  -  Not applicable  -  He was born here on May 25.
1779  -  Spain  -  Unknown  -  He was educated here.
1810-1811  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  He edited Gaceta de Buenos Aires.
1829  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  He died January 10


Editors newspapers and magazines
Newspaper, Gaceta (Buenos Aires))
Writers (men)

Born in Córdoba in 1749, he was educated in Spain. A historian who wrote The History of Buenos Aires, Tucumán, and Paraguay. This includes the Túpac Amaru rebellion. He edited the Gaceta de Buenos Aires when Mariano Moreno retired. He died in 1829. (Coaster, 47-48)


Coester, Alfred (1919) The Literary History of Spanish America