Francisca de Moncada Galindo y Verastegui

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Francisca Moncada
Francisca Moncada

Other names: Condesa de Olmos


Ethnic origen: White


1795  -  Huamachuco  -  Unknown  -  She gave birth to Luis José de Orbegoso, Conde de Olmos and President of Peru in 1833


Female relatives of past and future leading political/military/ cultural figures
Women, charity organisations, Peru

An aristocratic Peruvian woman who kept an open house to protect anyone rich or poor. She was called "La madre de los desagraciados". She was the mother of Mariana, a writer, and of Luis José de Orbegoso, Conde de Olmos who was later president of Peru. (García y García, 180)


García y García, Elvira (1924) La mujer peruana a través de los siglos