Biography for Sor Juana Inés Asuaje (Asbaje) y Ramírez de la Cruz

Reference details

Type of publication: Edited book

Editor: Miller, Beth

Year of publication: 1983

Title of work: Women in Hispanic Literature: Icons and Fallen Idols

Publisher: University of California Press (Berkley, Los Angeles, London)

Keywords: Women, Spain, nuns, convents, Gertrudis de Avellaneda, theatre, Amazon myth

Notes: UL 743: 13 c 95 124

People referenced in this work:
Sor Juana Inés Asuaje (Asbaje) y Ramírez de la Cruz (pp. 164-183) Electra Arenal, "The Convent as Catalyst for Autonomy: Two Hispanic Nuns of the seventeenth Century"