Biography for Vicente Guerrero

Reference details

Type of publication: Book

Author: Hardy, R.W.H.

Year of publication: 1829

Title of work: Travels in the Interior of Mexico in 1825, 1826, 1827, &1828,

Publisher: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street (London)

Keywords: Mexico, travels, Mora, quackery,

Notes: In Robinson Library, Newcastle, Special Collections. May not be taken out of the library.

People referenced in this work:
Condesa de la Cortina (pp. 520)
Eulogio Villarrútia (pp. 513)
Joel Roberts Poinsett (pp. 13-14, 510)
José María Bustamente (pp. 513)
José María Luis Mora (pp. 510-11, 520)
José Miguel Ramón Adaucto Fernández y Félix (pp. 10)
Lucas Alamán (pp. 10, 11)
R W Hardy (pp. )
Vicente Guerrero (pp. 519-520)