Biography for Agustina Palacio de Libarona

Reference details

Type of publication: Edited book

Editor: Maier, Linda S., and Dulfano, Isabel

Year of publication: 2004

Title of work: Woman as Witness: Essays on Testimonial Literature by Latin American Women

Publisher: Peter Lang (New York)

Keywords: Women, testimonial literature, Agustina Palacio de Libarona

Notes: Catherine Davies's book

People referenced in this work:
Agustina Palacio de Libarona (pp. 125-139, 181-200) Chapters Mary G. Berg, "The Adventures and Misfortunes of Agustina Palacio de Libaraona on the Argentine Frontier 1840-41" and Agustina Palacio de Libarona, "Infortunios de la matrona santiagueña doña Agustina Palacio de Libarona la Heroína del Bracho (1840-42)"