Biography for Bartolina Siza

Reference details

Type of publication: Book

Author: O'Phelan Godoy, Scarlett

Year of publication: 1985

Title of work: Rebellions and Revolts in Eighteenth Century Peru and Upper Peru

Publisher: Böhlau Verlag, Kóln Wien (Köln, Germany)

Keywords: Peru, Bolivia, Túpac Amaru, Bartolina Sisa

Notes: Includes useful appendices regarding the fate of those involved in the Túpac Amaru rebellion.

People referenced in this work:
Bartolina Siza (pp. 212, 266, 270-271, 309)
Cecilia Escalera Túpac Amaru (pp. 217, 235, 305)
Gregoria Apaza (Apasa) de Canani (pp. 253, 307) Quotes Apasa from her trial, Archivo General de la Indias, Sevilla, Audiencia de Buenos Aires, Declaración de Gregoria Apasa.
Juana Moreno (pp. 157-159)
María Josefa Anaya (pp. 307)
Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua (pp. 236, 240, 300) Quotes L.E. Fisher, The Last Inca Revolt, 1780-1783, Oklahoma, 1966, p.227 (for her inability to read and write). Archivo General de Las Indies, Sevilla, Audiencia del Cuzco, leg. 33, confession of Micaela Bastidas (for her comments about the soldiers' probable action).
Tomasa Titu Condemayta, Condemaita (pp. 220, 305) Quotes her reasons for joining the rebellion from Archivo General de las Indies, Sevilla, Audiencia del Cuzco, Legs. 32, 33. Declaration made by Thomasa Tito Condemayta.