Biography for William (Guillermo) Miller

Reference details

Type of publication: Thesis (Stanford University)

Author: Wibel, John Frederick

Year of publication: 1975

Title of work: The Evolution of a Regional Community Within Spanish Empire and Peruvian Nation: Arequipa, 1780-1845

Publisher: Ann Arbor, Xerox University Microfilms (Michigan)

Keywords: Arequipa, Humboldt, independence, Pío Tristán, Agustín Gamarra, José María Pando, Andrés Martínez

Notes: Centre of Latin American Studies Library, Mill Lane Cambridge PE 346

People referenced in this work:
Alexander Von Humboldt (pp. 223) Reference given: A. Humboldt to Ignacio Checa, Guayaquil, 18 January 1803 in Estuardo Nuñez and Georg Petersen (eds.), El Perú en la obra de Ajejandro de Humboldt, Lima, 1971, p.198.
Andrés Martínez (pp. 331)
José María de Pando (pp. 331)
William (Guillermo) Miller (pp. 290)