Biography for Cecilia Escalera Túpac Amaru

Reference details

Type of publication: Book

Author: Fisher, Lillian Estelle

Year of publication: 1966

Title of work: The Last Inca Revolt

Publisher: University of Oklahoma Press (Norman)

Keywords: Túpac Amaru rebellion, Bastidas, Condemayta, Cecilia Túpac Amaru,

Notes: Includes a chapter discussing the role of women in the Túpac Amaru rebellion.

People referenced in this work:
Bartolina Siza (pp. 248, 293, 297, 301, 304, 308, 319)
Catalina de Zalas y Pachachutti (pp. 192, 209)
Cecilia Escalera Túpac Amaru (pp. 192, 211, 234-235, 239)
Francisca Herrera (pp. 192, 209)
María Esquivel de Cisneros (pp. 192, 209)
Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua (pp. 192-212, 228-238)
Tomasa Titu Condemayta, Condemaita (pp. 192, 209, 232-234)