Biography for Sor Tadea de San Joaquín (García de la Huerta)

Reference details

Type of publication: Book

Author: Urzua, María, and Adriasola, Ximena

Year of publication: 1963

Title of work: La mujer en la poesía chilena, Antología 1784-1961

Publisher: Editorial Nascimiento (Santiago de Chile)

Keywords: Sor Tadea de San Joaquín, Mercedes Marín del Solar, Chile, poetry, Portales,

Notes: Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

People referenced in this work:
Mercedes Marín de Solar (pp. 17-24) Includes extracts from "Canto a Diego Portales" and "La existencia de Dios" and comments made by her in 1846 about her attitude towards her poetry, especially the tribute to Portales.
Sor Tadea de San Joaquín (García de la Huerta) (pp. 13-16) Includes an extract from her "Romance".