Biography for Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua

Reference details

Type of publication: Book

Author: Cornejo Bouroncle, Jorge

Year of publication: 1949

Title of work: Sangre Andina, Diéz mujeres cuzqueñas

Publisher: HG Rozas Sucesores (Cuzco)

Keywords: Micaela Bastidas, Túpac Amaru, Tomasa Condemayta, Francisca Zubiaga

People referenced in this work:
Cecilia Escalera Túpac Amaru (pp. 152-155) Gives a highly detailed account of her torture.
Marcela Castro Puyucagua (pp. 152-172)
Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua (pp. 33-106)
Tomasa Titu Condemayta, Condemaita (pp. 105-106, 112-113) He reproduces the letters.