Biografía de Juana de Ysquibel

Autor: Juana de Ysquibel

Tipo de publicación: Letra

Título: Carta a John Parish Robertson

Año de publicación: 1815

Editorial: AMS Press Inc. New York

Ubicación creado: Asunción

Lengua: Español

Lugar del texto: Reproduced in J.P. and W.P. Robertson, Letters on Paraguay, AMS Press, Inc., New York, 1970, p.305. en University of Warwick Library

Resumen: Letter to John Parish Robertson offering him a place to stay in her large country estate near Asunción. It is translated by Robertson and reproduced in his Letters on Paraguay.

Robertson´s comments are in brackets.

I understand from my compadre La Cerda" (you will perceive that though he was only the godfather of her great-grand-daughter’s family, she called him her's), that you want a house in the country. Though mine is none of the best" (it was the very best), I shall expect you to take up your abode in it, whenever you like, after to morrow. I will take no excuse, at least till you can better suit yourself. I shall hold three apartments, and the necessary attendance at your service.


Obras escritos por Juana de Ysquibel:
1815 - Carta a John Parish Robertson