Gendering Latin American Independence
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Writing Type: Letter


Letter written to San Martín

Keywords: Slavery, freedom, independence, woman disguised as a man

Archive: Other

Location Details: Quoted by Peter Blanchard in his paper, "Freedom and Family", Unequal States Conference, University of Warwick, September 2004.

Text: Citation as follows: "Having heard the rumour that the enemy was trying to enslave the patria once agian, I dressed myself as a man and hurried to the barracks to receive my orders and take up my musket." She was "entrusted with a flag to carry and to defend with honour". "Assigned to the forces of the commander general of guerrillas, Toribio Dávalos, I suffered all the rigours of the campaign. My gender has not impeded me from being useful to my patria."

Gendering Latin American Independence

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