Gendering Latin American Independence
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Writing Type: Speech


Statement of the abuses within marriage.

Keywords: women, marriage, fidelity

Archive: Hallworth Library, University of Nottingham

Location Details: Reproduced and translated in Arlene Díaz, Female Citizens, Patriarchs, and the Law in Venezuela, 1786-1904, University of Nebraska Press, 2004, p.158.

Text: I do not know how to declaim against the abuses which, until then, have supported the caprices of the husbands who have gained authority over women´s lives. In essence, this is what happens in matrimony: The husband harasses and oppresses his consort and ... Acts freely with her possessions, he orders his woman around and makes her obey him even for the most base and shameful of things, and the husband breaks frequently the sacred bond of fidelity, and tainted with all these defects, he goes to a court that not only justifies [his actions] but supports him to continue the destruction of his compañera. This is exactly my current situation, and this is how Maucó behaves towards me.

Gendering Latin American Independence

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