Extract of a letter from Charles Palmer, keeper of Clipstone Park, Nottinghamshire, to Lord Edward Harley [later 2nd Earl of Oxford], St James's Street, London detailing the impact of a hurricane; 1 Feb. 1714/15. Pl C 1/43 © University of Nottingham Manuscripts and Special Collections.
A transcription of the letter is provided below the image.
The transcription of the letter in the image above is provided below. Explanations of spellings in the letter are provided in square brackets [ ]
Clipston Parck [Park]
February the 1 1714/15
May it ples [please] your Lordship Mr Banks has bin [been] at Clipston Parck [Park] by your Lordships orders and my Lady Harley to Demand pousoson [possession] and he ordered me to acquaint her grace that he had bin [been] here and a Corden Ly [accordingly] i Did and her Grace ordered me that if thay [they] broht [brought] any in of acckmant [acknowledgment] to me that i shuld [should] bring it to her grace and a Cordinly [accordingly] i did
May it ples [please] your Lordship i have bin [been] with her Grace severall [several] times to gite [get] some fence wood for the parck [park] fence and some hay for the Dere [deer] but her grace will not Grant any and i fach [fetch] home a Grat [great] many Dead Dere [deer] that Dys [dies] for povety [poverty] i had a very fine hand of staggs [stags] and a very fine hand of Bucks and with out a speedy remedy thay [they] will all be lost and since her grace came a way we have had a very Grate [great] harakan [hurricane] by a Double [_] wind and it has blew Down a bove 4 mils [miles] of the parck [park] fence flat to Ground and wee [we] are in [_] to Lous [loose] all the dere [deer] for want of hay to keep them att [at] the fendrin [feeding] plases [places] in the parck [park] for thay [they] Run all about the Contery [country] and the Contery [country] pepell [people] will kill them. i humbley [humbly] bege [beg] your Lordship orders what [_] Lordship will have me Dere [deer] the dog knel's [kennel's] blown Down and all the out house is blew fore [fall] to peses [pieces].
her grace has lefte [left] the houns [hounds] with me and her Grace has Given me a porticklen [particular] orders to tack [take] grate [great] care of the houns [hounds] but her grace has paid no money this 3 yeres [years] but woht [what] i have had of your Lordship and woht [what] to done with them i cant tell [...]
Charles Palmer