Nottingham Centre for Research on
Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP)

GEP 10/20: What Causes Plant Closure within Multi-Plant Firms?


This paper investigates why multi-plant ownership raises the probability of plant closure. We find this is due to the characteristics of plants relative to the firm.


This paper investigates why plants belonging to multi-plant firms are more likely to exit. Using Japanese plant data linked to firm data we study the process of plant closure among domestic multi-plant firms as well as multi-plant multinationals. As elsewhere in the literature these organisational forms are found to raise the probability of plant exit despite the superior characteristics of the plants they own. We find that the domestic multi-plant ownership effect is attributable to these firms closing the weakest elements of the firm. We reject the idea of multinationals being ‘footloose’ but instead find a residual effect of multinational ownership which reduces the probability of plant death when we control for the process of closure within those firms.

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Tomohiko Inui, Richard Kneller, Toshiyuki Matsuura and Danny McGowan


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Posted on Friday 1st October 2010

Nottingham Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy

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University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
