University of Nottingham
Monday 23rd (09:00) - Thursday 26th May 2011 (17:20)

GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions 2011

Location: Baska, Krk Island, Croatia 

Starts: 23/05/2011  
Ends: 26/05/2011 

This four-day event follows the success of three previous events held in Baska, Croatia, and aims to gather GNSS experts and focuses on GNSS problems

The unique environment of Baska, its natural resources and rich history, combined with friendly hospitality
will again create an inspiring atmosphere for ideas discussions and knowledge exchange,
well known to those who attended the last year's conference.

Although the conference covers all aspects of satellite navigation, the following special sessions
will be organised in order to address particular causes of GNSS vulnerabilities:
- Core and augmentation satellite navigation systems
- Safety-critical applications
- Space weather and ionospheric effects
- Location-based services (LBS)
- Intelligent transport systems (ITS)

Further details and registration will be available on this page shortly


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