University of Nottingham
Thursday 11th June 2009 (15:20)

Using satellite navigation technology linked to existing asset records to produce 3-D images of utilities’ underground assets

Find out:

  • How satellite technology can be more widely applied to allow buried asset information to be collected more quickly, easily and accurately from the field.
  • What technology has been developed to integrate and access any buried asset records in a uniform way

Who should attend?

  • Utilities – water, power, gas companies, Local Authorities
  • Staff, supervisors and managers involved in the preparation, dissemination and use of buried asset records and in the application of the Traffic Management Act.

Sessions include:

  • Developing better ways to collect buried asset data
  • Developing better ways to display data
  • Interactive demonstrations and workshops
  • VISTA – the future

VISTA is a project jointly funded by the British Government and industry, set up to develop improved technology to collect and exchange buried asset records.

This one-day seminar will feature an interactive workshop with VISTA Project Outputs and hands-on demonstrations of technologies developed

– Speakers from National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG), UKWIR and GRACE –




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