University of Nottingham

Stimulating Innovation and Competitiveness

Introducing the EU ICT Policy Support Programme

Monday 14 th February 2011    

10:30 : 16:00

Church House Conference Centre, Dean's Yard, London SW1P 3NZ

Please read on if you are interested in the deployment of ICT based services in areassuch as 

- ICT for a low carbon economy and smart mobility

- Digital content- ICT for health, ageing well and inclusion

- ICT for innovative government and public services 

- Open Innovation for Internet-enabled Services 

This free event will describe a new opportunity for collaborative projects involvingplanning, executing and learning from pilot deployment of ICT based solutions toissues such as

- Fall Prevention in the Elderly, 

- Digitising content for The European Digital Library, 

- Internet-enabled services for the ‘Smart City’, 

- Solid state lighting systems….

Grants worth over 115 Million Euros will be available from the Commission’s ICT PolicySupport Programme following its next call, foreseen for 28 February, for real worlddeployment pilots to demonstrate and assess the utility and long term viability of ICTbased services in specific areas described in its Workprogramme.

Attendees at the seminar on Monday 14th February will learn more about theprogramme and its processes and the workprogramme will be explained by aEuropean Commission speaker. The proposal evaluation process and its impact uponsuccess will be addressed, whilst further speakers will describe their experiences ofparticipating in existing projects.

There will be ample opportunity for questions and answers, networking and sharing ofideas. The event is open to delegates from other countries and will provide an excellentprecursor to the Commission Information Day on 28 February in Brussels.

To register for this free event please e-mail:

Please note that spaces are limited and confirmation will be sent to thosedelegates to whom a place has been given


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