University of Nottingham

GNSS Market Report 2015

The 4th edition of the GSA’s GNSS Market Report is now out!

In addition to the traditional market analysis of previous reports, this edition includes a number of innovations:

  • A user perspective on GNSS applications. GNSS technology exists in a dynamic, multi-sensor context where user needs are a final, ubiquitous position, regardless of which technology provides it. Still, we confirm that GNSS is and will remain the main source for outdoor positioning information.
  • New insights on GNSS user technology, including the results from our first receiver capabilities analysis of the top global manufacturers.
  • Insights on the GNSS industry and estimated regional shares of the supply side of the GNSS downstream market.
  • A more detailed regional breakdown of the GNSS market, concluding that the future development of GNSS applications depends, to a large degree, on emerging economies. Alongside EU28 and North America, we now take a more in-depth look at Non-EU28 Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, as well as South America and Caribbean regions.
  • The addition of an eighth market segment, Timing & Synchronisation, complementing the previously analysed segments of LBS, Road, Aviation,Rail, Maritime, Surveying and Agriculture.
  • Additional applications: in Maritime - recreational navigation, fishing vessels and Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs), in Aviation - Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) and Search and Rescue PLBs, in Road - digital tachograph and in LBS - PLBs.

Please download full report here

Posted on Monday 30th March 2015


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