Browse by editor "Aaron Fecowycz"

Records found: 11

Global justice and human rights: health and human rights in practice

ABSTRACT: The origin and justification of human rights, whether anchored in biological theory, natural law theory, or interests theory, as well as their cultural specificity and actual value as international legal instruments are subject to ongoing lively debates. As theoretical and rhetorical discourses challenge and enrich current understanding of the value of human rights and their relevance to democratic governance, they have found their way into public health in recent decades and play today an increasing role in the shaping of health policies, programs and practice. Human rights define the obligations of states to their people and towards each other, create grounds for governmental accountability and inspire recognition of, and action on, factors influencing people’s attainment of the highest possible standard of health. This article highlights the evolution that has brought health and human rights together in mutually reinforcing ways. It draws from the experience gained in the global response to HIV/AIDS, summarizes key dimensions of public health and of human rights and suggests a manner in which these dimensions intersect in a framework for analysis and action.

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Author Daniel Tarantola
Type Paper
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   
Tags health   human rights   discrimination   global justice   HIV/AIDS   
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Government of South Australia: Communicable Disease Control Index

This website provides links to a quarterly bulletin incorporating the Communicable Disease Control Branch report, information for the general public about communicable diseases and information for healthcare professionals. 

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Type Website
Subject Communicable diseases   
Tags australia   
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Millennium Development Goals: No more broken promises?

This booklet offers a short introduction to what will be involved in achieving the MDGs. The first part answers some common questions by explaining why we needs goals, where they came from, how they will be met and paid for, and how we will know if we are achieving them.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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rethink aid: The Social, Environmental, and Political Determinants of Health

At ReThink, we are keenly aware of the social, environmental, and political determinants of health that are often overlooked in vertical aid initiatives. As a coalition of physicians and social scientists from around the world, we have learned that these determinants of health are a part of the every day lives of communities in need. This page highlights some of the key components, including:


Water & Sanitation –  Food Security & (Mal)nutrition – Women & Communities


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Type Website
Subject Determinants of health   
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Saving Mothers, Giving Life

The Saving Mothers, Giving Life partnership is prioritizing countries where women and children are dying at alarming rates. As of today, the founding partners have pledged more than $280 million USD in financial resources and additional in-kind resources for work in up to 10 countries over five years. Work has begun in two countries where maternal mortality rates are disproportionately high—Uganda and Zambia.

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Subject Maternal health   
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The Millennium Project

The Millennium Project was commissioned by the United Nations Secretary-General in 2002 to recommend a concrete action plan for the world to reverse the grinding poverty, hunger and disease affecting billions of people. Headed by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, the Millennium Project was an independent advisory body and presented its final report, Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals, to the Secretary-General in January 2005. The Millennium Project was then asked to continue operating in an advisory capacity through the end of 2006.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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The “dream-trap”: Brokering, “study abroad” and nurse migration from Nepal to the UK

In order to review this education brokering business and its link to international nurse migration, the paper is divided into two main sections. Firstly, I look at the growth and expansion of professional nurse training in Nepal and its links with Nepalese nurse migration to the UK. Secondly, I examine the emergence of IECs and their “study abroad” programmes. Here I analyse how IECs have become increasingly involved in the nursing profession, starting from pre-training entrance exam preparation through to post-training international migration. I present case studies of individual nurses and their experiences of being “brokered”. As these migrants are open to exploitation, I argue for greater regulation of these brokers, and that nurses must be more aware of the frequently false promises made by them.

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Author Radha Adhikari
Type Document
Subject Migration of health professionals   
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Threats to Global Health and Opportunities for Change: A New Global Health


The most recent phase of internationalization and globalization is characterized by the growing infl uence of non-governmental organizations that have had an impact on health. Key threats of strategic relevance for health, in addition to global warming, are the global divides in terms of demographic development and the burden of disease, social inequity, migration of populations, migration of health professionals, the inequitable terms of trade, and the consequences of the recent global monetary crisis. This paper addresses opportunities as set forth in the Millennium Development Goals, a revival of primary health care, and the necessary resetting of global aid in terms of international donor harmonization and national coordination, e.g., through a Sector Wide Approach (SWAp).

We recommend:

(1) A Global Code of Conduct for non-governmental organizations;
(2) A renewed major effort of the United Nations community to achieve the Millennium Development Goals as planned;
(3) Further development of the concept of SWAp’s to put the receiving governments into the “driver’s seat”. To this end, the achievement of the  Paris/Accra criteria is essential, i.e.,
(4) To strengthen the linkage between governments and donors with a priority for primary health care services; and
(5) To compensate the “sending” countries for basic investments in the upbringing and education of migrating professionals.

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Author Ulrich Laaser DTM&H, MPH, Leon Epstein MB ChB, MPH
Type Paper
Subject Millennium Development Goals   Urbanisation   
Tags Global health   global divides   global opportunities   international health cooperation   millennium development goals   
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Unintentional Injuries: Indicators on children and youth

This document was produced by Child Trends Data Bank in November 2012 (Updated October 2014).

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Subject Child health   Unintentional injuries   
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University of the West of Scotland: International Student Support

As an international student at UWS we recognise that you will have specific support needs and so we have dedicated International Student Advisers who are there to help with issues relating to student visas, immigration advice, advice on working in the UK, letters for relatives’ visits, financial queries, welfare and health benefits and your general welfare.

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Subject Supporting international students   
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World Clock

Online calculator providing global statistics on population, mortality & morbidity, food consumption, energy consumption and environmental impact statistics. Site also includes a life clock demonstrating behaviours and other factors that affect longevity. This is an excellent test that entry level students can use to assess their own lives and assuming the identity of others.

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Type Website
Subject Epidemiology and burden of disease   Global health issues   Population growth   
Tags demography   longevity   aids   oncology   tb   hepatitis   malaria   diabetes   chd   asthma   rta   stroke   
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