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Records found: 8

Archives of Disease in Childhood Journal

About Archives of Disease in Childhood

Aims and Scope

Archives of Disease in Childhood is an international peer review journal that aims to keep paediatricians and others up to date with advances in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases as well as advocacy issues such as child protection. It focuses on all aspects of child health and disease from the perinatal period (in the Fetal and Neonatal edition) through to adolescence. ADC includes original research reports, commentaries, reviews of clinical and policy issues, and evidence reports. Areas covered include: community child health, public health, epidemiology, acute paediatrics, advocacy, and ethics.

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Type Journal
Subject Child health   
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Emerging Infectious Diseases

The June 2014 edition of the Journal 'Emerging Infectious Diseases' from CDC.

About this resource
Type Journal
Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
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Emerging Microbes & Infections(EMI)

Emerging Microbes & Infections (EMI) is a new open access, fully peer-reviewed international journal. The purpose of EMI is to provide a forum to publish a wide range of scientific reports related to emerging infectious diseases, especially with new information from developing countries where such diseases are constantly arising and being discovered regularly. It will report discoveries of emerging microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens) including their previously unknown phenotypic or genotypic characteristics, as well as cutting edge information associated with microbial mechanisms of pathogenesis, immune evasion and protection, clinical presentation and outcome, drug efficacy and its resistance, epidemiology and other issues important to global health.

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Type Journal
Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   

open access

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FINDINGS: Health, Human Rights, and Social Justice

FINDINGS: Volume 26, Number 2 Spring/Summer 2011

Produced by the UM SPH Office of Communications

Featured on the cover: Africa’s endless war | Seeds of hope in Haiti | A Guatemalan mine raises questions | Refugee health

About this resource
Type Journal
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   
Tags University of Michigan   
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Global health governance (journal)

Global Health Governance is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that provides a platform for academics and practitioners to explore global health issues and their implications for governance and security at national and international levels.


About this resource
Type Journal
Subject Global health governance   
Tags politics   ethics   ethical issues   
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Global Health Promotion

Global Health Promotion, is the official publication of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE). It is a multilingual journal, which publishes authoritative peer-reviewed articles and practical information for a world-wide audience of professionals interested in health promotion and health education.

About this resource
Type Journal
Subject Global health issues   Education   
Tags journal articles   articles   journal reading   academic   literature   references   International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)   International Union for Health Promotion and Education   IUHPE   
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The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID)

About the Journal

Published continuously since 1904, The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID) is the premier global journal for original research on infectious diseases. The editors welcome Major Articles and Brief Reports describing research results on microbiology, immunology, epidemiology, and related disciplines, on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases; on the microbes that cause them; and on disorders of host immune responses. JID is an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 

About this resource
Type Journal
Subject Communicable diseases   New and emerging infectious diseases   
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The Lancet: Non-Communicable Diseases Series 2013

This latest Series on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) builds on previous Lancet Series (2010, 2007, 2005), and on a landmark high-level United Nations NCD meeting convened in September 2011. The aim of the new Series is to set out clear plans for countrywide implementation of NCD plans in the post-MDG era, towards the unified goal of '25 by 25'—reducing NCD mortality worldwide by 2025.

About this resource
Type Journal
Subject Non-communicable diseases   
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