WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.580 --> 00:00:06.069 This graph shows the proportion of children born very preterm and term born 00:00:06.069 --> 00:00:12.429 children who have difficulties associated with ADHD. The y-axis shows 00:00:12.429 --> 00:00:16.750 the percentage of children with difficulties so the higher the bars the 00:00:16.750 --> 00:00:21.369 greater the proportion of children with difficulties in those areas. Looking 00:00:21.369 --> 00:00:25.689 first at the pair of bars on the left this shows the proportion of children 00:00:25.689 --> 00:00:30.699 with attention problems with the very preterm children shown in blue and the 00:00:30.699 --> 00:00:35.860 term born children in orange you can see that the very preterm children are at 00:00:35.860 --> 00:00:40.990 markedly higher risk for attention problems with 17% of very preterm 00:00:40.990 --> 00:00:46.390 children having clinically significant attention problems compared with just 4% 00:00:46.390 --> 00:00:53.650 of the children born at term. This is a large difference of 13%, however when you 00:00:53.650 --> 00:00:57.190 look at the pair of bars on the right you can see that the rates of 00:00:57.190 --> 00:01:02.620 hyperactivity problems are fairly similar between the groups with 9% of 00:01:02.620 --> 00:01:07.450 very preterm children having hyperactivity problems compared with 7% 00:01:07.450 --> 00:01:15.250 of their term born peers, a difference of just 2%. In summary this graph shows that 00:01:15.250 --> 00:01:19.810 even though children born very preterm have similar rates of hyperactivity to 00:01:19.810 --> 00:01:25.120 children born at term they are almost four times more likely to have attention 00:01:25.120 --> 00:01:27.570 problems