Health E-Learning and Media (HELM) Team

HELM team to present at national and international conferences during the summer of 2014

Members of Health E-Learning and Media (HELM) Team are presenting papers at national and international conferences this summer.

E-Portfolio and Identity Conference (EPIC) 2014, University of Greenwich, Friday 11th July 2014

  • “E-Portfolios for International Competence: Introducing Evidence-Based Learning E-portfolios for Healthcare Students on International Elective Placements”

Further information about EPIC 2014

East Midlands Learning Technologists Summer Meeting, University of Nottingham, Wednesday 8th July 2014

Various HELM Team members are presenting on the following topics

  • “Introducing HELM Open”
  • “Gone in a Flash!”
  • “Successfully Sustaining a Health-e Open Culture”
  • “Opening up Student Learning on Nursing Elective Placements”

Further information about the East Midlands Learning Technologists Summer Meetingh

AAEEBL 2014, Boston USA, Wednesday 30th July 2014

  • “Implementation of a Multifaceted ePortfolio Platform: a Model for Institutional Change”
  • “The Use of an Extended E-portfolio Framework to Plan, Manage and Assess International Elective Placements by Healthcare Students.”

Further information about the AAEEBL conferencee

ALT-C, University of Warwick, Tuesday 2nd September 2014

  • “How to Turn a Giant:”

Further information about ALT-C 2014

Posted on Friday 27th June 2014

Health E-Learning and Media Team

School of Health Sciences
B310, B Floor, South Block Link
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH
