Health E-Learning and Media (HELM) Team

Older womens experiences of domestic violence

A moving resource telling stories from women survivors of domestic violence. This resource was developed with Nottinghamshire Healthcare and Julie McGarry’s team at The University of Nottingham and was created through workshops with survivors who created artefacts and related their stories.

You can access the RLO here.  


Project team

  • Julie McGarry
  • Dawn Bowden
  • Lorna Manger
  • Kathryn Hinsliff-Smith
  • Richard Windle
  • Michael Taylor
  • Kully Kaur
  • Charley Baker


  • Michael Taylor
  • Liz Hilton

Principal Author

  • Julie McGarry 

Learning Objects for Healthcare by the School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Posted on Thursday 22nd September 2016

Health E-Learning and Media Team

School of Health Sciences
B310, B Floor, South Block Link
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH
