LADAN, M, WHARRAD,H and WINDLE,R, 2018. Towards understanding healthcare professionals’ adoption and use of technologies in clinical practice: Using Qmethodology and models of technology acceptance Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics.
ANTONY ARTHUR, ALDUS, CLARE, SARRE, SOPHIE, JILL MABEN, WHARRAD, HEATHER, SCHNEIDER, JUSTINE M, BARTON, GARRY, ARGYLE, ELAINE, CLARK, ALLAN, NOURI, FIONA and NICHOLSON, CAROLINE, 2017. Can Healthcare Assistant Training (CHAT) improve the relational care of older people? A developmental and feasibility study of a complex intervention: Health Services and Delivery Research. SZESZAK S, MAN R, LOVE A, LANGMACK G, WHARRAD H and DINEEN RA, 2016. Animated educational video to prepare children for MRI without sedation: evaluation of the appeal and value. Pediatric radiology. 46(12), 1744-1750 MAIDMENT DW, BRASSINGTON W, WHARRAD H and FERGUSON M, 2016. Internet Competency Predicts Practical Hearing Aid Knowledge and Skills in First-Time Hearing Aid Users. American journal of audiology. 25(3S), 303-307 FERGUSON, M, BRANDRETH, M, BRASSINGTON, W, LEIGHTON, P and WHARRAD, H, 2016. A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Benefits of a Multimedia Educational Programme for First-time Hearing Aid Users Ear and Hearing. 37, 123-136 VEZIRYDIS, P, TIMMONS, S and WHARRAD, H, 2015. Chapter 15 Lessons Learned from the Implementation of an Emergency Department Information System. In: Maximizing Healthcare Delivery and Management through Technology Integration (In Press.)
PETIT-DIT-DARIEL, O, WHARRAD, H.J. and WINDLE, R., 2014. Using Bourdieu's Theory of Practice to understand ICT use amongst nurse educators Nurse Education Today Nurse Education Today.
RANDLE, J., WHARRAD, H.J., WINDLE, R., VAUGHAN, N and ARTHUR, A., 2014. An observational study of hand hygiene adherence following the introduction of an education intervention Journal of Infection Prevention.
PETIT DIT DARIEL, O., WHARRAD, H.J. and WINDLE, R., 2013. Exploring the underlying factors influencing e-learning Journal of Advanced Nursing. 69, 1289-1300 VEZYRIDIS, P, TIMMONS, S and WHARRAD, H J, 2012. Implementation of an Emergency Department Information System (EDIS): a qualitative study of nurses' attitudes and experience Computers in Nursing. 30(10), 540-546
VEZYRIDIS, P, TIMMONS, S and WHARRAD HJ, 2012. Implementing an emergency department information system: lessons learned in a large emergency
department (In Press.)
WHARRAD, H J, SANDERSON-MANN, J, MCCANDLESS, F and RILEY, F, 2012. Using reusable learning objects to raise awareness and disseminate research findings about the impact of dyslexia in placement based learning Disability in health and social care. 9(2), 141-9
SANDERSON-MANN, J, WHARRAD, H and MCCANDLESS, F, 2012. An empirical exploration of the impact of dyslexia on placement learning and a comparison with non-dyslexic students Disability in health and social care. 9(2), 89-99
KIRSTIE WEEKS and HEATHER WHARRAD, 2012. Improving nurses' knowledge about HIV: development and evaluation of an innovative online resource HIV Nursing. 12(4), 8-13
PAYNE KARL, GOODSON, A, TAHIM,A, WHARRAD HJ and FAN, K, 2012. Using the iBook in Medical education and healthcare settings Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine. 35(4), 162-169
WINDLE, R.J., MCCORMICK, D., DANDREA, J. and WHARRAD, H., 2010. The characteristics of reusable learning objects that enhance learning: a case-study in health-science education British Journal of Educational Technology. 42(5), 811-823 WINDLE, R, LAVERTY, H, HERMAN, L, HALLEWELL, B & WHARRAD, H J., 2010. SHOULD: learning disability nursing students teach their peers. Learning Disability Practice. 13, 26-29 (In Press.)
WHARRAD, HJ & WINDLE, R (2010), 2010. Case studies of creating reusable inter professional e-learning objects. In: BROMAGE,A, CLOUDER, L, & GORDON, F and THISTLETHWAITE, J., eds., Interprofessional E-Learning and Collaborative Work: Practices and Technologies. IGI Global.
DARIEL, O, WHARRAD, HJ & WINDLE, R, 2010. Elusive Elearning? Developing Q-methodology to explore views toward elearning in nursing education Nurse Researcher. 18, 58-70
TIMMONS,S, WHARRAD,HJ, VEZYRIDIS,P, RANDLE, J and LYMN, J. & BATH-HEXTALL, F., 2010. Building and sustaining collaboration in a cross institution e-learning development.. In: BROMAGE,A, CLOUDER, L, & GORDON, F and THISTLETHWAITE, J., eds., Interprofessional E-Learning and Collaborative Work: Practices and Technologies IGI Global.
WALSH, N., COLLINS, J., RUSH, B. and WHARRAD, H., 2010. Using technology to enhance pre-registration nurse education in diabetes JOURNAL OF DIABETES NURSING. 14(1), 35-37
WINDLE, R & WHARRAD, HJ, 2010. Reusable Learning Objects in Health Care Education. In: BROMAGE,A, CLOUDER, L, & GORDON, F and THISTLETHWAITE, J., eds., Interprofessional E-Learning and Collaborative Work: Practices and Technologies IGI Global.
BLAKE H & WHARRAD HJ, 2010. The PAVE study (Physical Activity Virtual Education) : Development of Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) to enhance nursing students’ knowledge and understanding of physical activity. In: BAKER, G, FALK-WHYNES, J & SIDOROVITCH, A, ed., Teaching for Integrative Learning Innovations in University Practice 3.
WINDLE, R. J., WHARRAD, H., MCCORMICK, D., LAVERTY, H. and TAYLOR, M., 2010. Sharing and reuse in OER; experiences gained from open reusable learning objects in health. Journal of Interactive Media in Education. 4, HILTON,D, COBB,S, BENTHAM,J, EASTGATE,R and WHARRAD,H J, CABLE, R. & COTREL, 2009. A virtual environment ward simulation for clinical education.. In: L. GÓMEZ CHOVA, D. MARTÍ BELENGUER, I. CANDEL TORRES, ed.,
WHARRAD, H, MORALES, R and WINDLE, R. & BRADLEY, C., 2008. A toolkit for a multilayered, cross institutional evaluation strategy. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008 (pp. 4921-4925). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.. (In Press.)
PARK, J.R., CHAPPLE, M., WHARRAD, H. and BRADLEY, S., 2007. Early nursing career experience for 1994-2000 graduates from the University of Nottingham Journal of Nursing Management. 15(4), 414-423 WINDLE, R J, WHARRAD, H, MCCORMICK, D, DANDREA, J, BATH-HEXTALL, L F J, LEIGHTON, B, BENTLEY, E, LACEY, J, COOK, J AND HOLLEY, D, 2007. Does A Community Of Practice Approach To The Development of Learning Objects Support Reuse of E-Learning Materials In Health Science Education INTED2008 Proceedings Edited by L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belenguer, I. Candel Torres.
WHARRAD, H, BATH-HEXTALL, F AND WINDLE, R, 2007. A community approach to the development of Reusable Learning Objects in Evidence Based Practice In: 4th International Conference of Evidence-Based Health Care Teachers & Developers.
WINDLE, R, WHARRAD, H, LEEDER, D AND MORALES, R, 2007. Sharing the LOAD: the future of learning object designs? In: Online Educa 2007, Berlin, November 28-30 2007..
TAYLOR, M, WINDLE, R, WHARRAD, H, RAI, H, LJUBOJEVIC, D, BOYLE, T, TENNEY, J AND BEGGAN, A, 2007. Supporting The Development Of Flexible Learning Object Development To Support Reuse In Health Science Education INTED2008 Proceedings Edited by L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belenguer, I. Candel Torres.
WINDLE, R J, WHARRAD, H, COUPER, K, CURTIS, S, COOK, J, MITCHELL, A, LEEDER, D AND MORALES, R, 2007. Students in control: social networks of learners in e-learning development In: ALT-C 2007.
MORALES, R, CARMICHAEL, P, LEEDER, D, WHARRAD, H AND WINDLE, R, 2007. Wolfson reward programme: A boundary zone for development of activity systems in the RLO-CETL through dialogue In: CAL 2007.
WINDLE, R J, WHARRAD, H, LEEDER, D AND MORALES, R, 2007. Analysis of the Pedagogical Attributes of Learning Objects in an attempt to identify Reusable Designs In: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education EdMedia Proceedings vol 15, 2676-2685.
BOYLE, T, COOK, J, WINDLE, R, WHARRAD, H, LEEDER, D and AND ALTON, R. (2006).ASCILITE, SIDNEY, AUSTRALIA, ., 2007. An Agile Method for Developing Learning Objects. Markauskaite, L., Goodyear, P. & Reimann. P. (Eds.) (2006). Proceedings of the 23rd annual conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education: Who’s learn. Available at: <> COOK J, WHARRAD HJ, MORALES R, WINDLE R, LEEDER D, BOYLE T, & ALTON, R, 2007. Implementations, change management and evaluation: A case study of the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Reusable Learning Objects Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change. 4(1), 47-63 (In Press.)
COLUMBINE A AND WHARRAD HJ, 2007. Using computer technology to deliver an infection control update on hand hygiene Journal of Infection Control. 8(3), 14-19 (In Press.)
WINDLE, R, WHARRAD, H and LEEDER, D. & MORALES, R., 2007. Analysis of the Pedagogical Attributes of Learning Objects in an attempt to identify Reusable Designs. In C. Montgomerie & J. Seale (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2007 (pp. 2676-2685). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.. (In Press.)
WINDLE, R J, MCCORMICK, D, WHARRAD, H, LAWRIE, A, FORD, T, DANDREA, J AND PALMER, C, 2006. Using e-learning activities to release the potential of peer-peer learning in vocational nurse training In: ALT-C 2006.
WHARRAD, H, WINDLE, R, DANDREA, J, GARRUD, P, COOK, J, MORALES, R, LEEDER, D AND BOYLE, T, 2006. Collaborative development of learning objects for evidence-based practice in healthcare In: The Ist International Conference of Nurse Education, Vancouver, 14-16 May 2006.
BATH-HEXTALL, F, JUSTHAM, J, WHARRAD, H AND WINDLE, R, 2006. RLOs in Evidence Based Practice In: 1st national conference on Evidence Based Practice Education, London..
MORALES, R, CARMICHAEL, P, WHARRAD, H, BRADLEY, C AND WINDLE, R, 2006. Developing a Multi-Method Evaluation Strategy for Reusable Learning Objects: an approach informed by Cultural-Historical Activity Theory In: presented at the 1st European Practice-based and Practitioner Research Conference - Improving quality in teaching and learning: Developmental work and Implementation challenges, University of Leuven, Belgium, October 19-21, 2006..
LEEDER, D, WHARRAD, H AND CHASE, H, 2006. Reusable Learning Objects: how to unlock high quality content In: Pre-conference workshop, November 2006, Online Educa 2006, Berlin.
WHARRAD, H, 2006. Cross-disciplinary development In: Invited workshop at Sustaining communities for collaborative development, use and reuse of quality learning resources. Cambridge.
WHARRAD, H.J., COOK, E. and POUSSA, C., 2005. Putting post-registration nursing students on-line: Important lessons learned Nurse Education Today. 25(4), 263-271 STRINGER, P. and WHARRAD, H., 2005. Use of email by health-care workers in a mental health setting ITIN. 17(1), 15-26
WHARRAD, H.J., 2005. Examinations and revision. In: BalliereÃs Study Skills for Nurses 3. Harcourt Trade Publishers, London.
BOYLE, T, L, D AND WHARRAD, H, 2005. Designing and developing the next generation of re-usable learning objects In: CAL 05, Bristol, April 2005.
WHARRAD, H, MORALES, R, COOK, J AND BOYLE, T, 2005. Many for Many: Collaborative e-Resource Development and Use In: Invited presentations at the Eduserv Foundation Symposium.
COOK, J, BOYLE, T, LEEDER, D, WHARRAD, H AND MORALES, R, 2005. The Student Voice on Enhancing Learning Through the Reusable Learning Objects CETL In: The Higher Education Academy Annual Conference, June 29 – July 1, 2005, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh..
WHARRAD, H, 2005. Crossing boundaries: collaborative development of RLOs In: Eduserv Foundation Symposium 2005 Proceedings Many for Many: Collaborative e-Resource Development and Use.
LEEDER, D., MCCLACHLAN, J., RODRIGUES, V., STEPHENS, N., WHARRAD, H.J. and MCELDUFF, P., 2004. UCeL: a virtual community of practice in health professional education. In: IADIS Web-based communities 386-393
WHARRAD, H.J., CHAPPLE, M. and PRICE, N., 2003. Predictors of academic success in a Bachelor of Nursing course Nurse Education Today. 23(4), 246-254 EPLING, M., TIMMONS, S. and WHARRAD, H., 2003. An educational panopticon? New technology, nurse education and surveillance Nurse Education Today. VOL 23(NUMBER 6), 412-418 WHARRAD, HEATHER, CLIFFORD, COLLETTE, HORSBURGH, MARGARET, KETEFIAN, SHAKé and LEE, JAN, 2002. Global network explores diversity and opportunity in nurse education. Nurse Education Today. 22(1), 15-23; discussion 24-7 WHARRAD, H.J., 2001. Examinations and revision. In: Balliere's Study Skills for Nurses 2nd.
WHARRAD, H., KENT, C., ALLCOCK, N. and WOOD, B., 2000. Development and evaluation of a series of CAL modules on cell biology for undergraduate nursing students British Journal of Educational Technology. VOL 31(PART 3), 257-260 HERON, R. and WHARRAD, H. J., 2000. Prevalence and nursing staff awareness of hearing impairment in older hospital patients Journal of Clinical Nursing. VOL 9(PART 6), 834-841 WHARRAD, H. and ROBINSON, J., 1999. The global distribution of physicians and nurses Journal of Advanced Nursing. VOL 30(NUMBER 1), 109-120 WHARRAD, H., 1998. Using parameters derived from the frequency spectrum to discriminate between physiological and essential tremor Journal of Physiology. 509, 183
WHARRAD, H. J. and DAVIS, A. C., 1997. Behavioural and autonomic responses to sound in pre-term and full-term babies British Journal of Audiology. VOL 31(NUMBER 5), 315-330 WINDLE, R, WHARRAD, HJ, MCCORMICK, D, LAVERTY, H & TAYLOR, M, Sharing and reuse in OER: experiences gained from open reusable learning objects in health. Journal of Interactive Media in Education. (In Press.)
WHARRAD, H., WINDLE, R., TAYLOR, M., HERMAN, L., HILLS, T., LEIGHTON, B., MOSTYN, A., ROBINSON, R. and LYMN, J., A repository of pharmacology multimedia learning objects for pre-registration and postregistration medical and nursing courses In: British Pharmacological Society. MCCORMICK, D, WINDLE, R & WHARRAD HJ, Enhancing the reuse of learning objects using digital whiteboard technology: lessons from the lecture theatre. In: BAKER, G, FALK-WHYNES, J & SIDOROVITCH,, ed., Teaching for Integrative Learning Innovations in University Practice 3.