Dr Stathis Konstantinidis is an Associate Professor in e-Learning and Health informatics at University of Nottingham, UK, and an active member of DICE research group and HELM team, which work spans a number of intertwining themes on Digital Innovations in healthCare and Education. In the past, he was a researcher (2012-2015) for more than two years at the Northern Research Institute (NORUT) based at Tromso, Norway. He was teaching at Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia, Kozani, Greece (2006-2011) and he was a research associate at the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for 6 years (2006-2012). He served as a member of the Global Healthcare Workforce Council (2015- 2016) and as OKFN ambassador in Norway (2013-2016), while his teaching experience in higher education and CDP spans across different countries including UK, Greece and Norway, and he served as the director of the MSc course Quality and Patient Safety in the University of Nottingham, UK. He had participated in many EU, interregional and national co-funded projects from different roles with the vast majority around the medical informatics education field. Currently he is the project coordinator of CoViRR, CEPEH and HEALTINT4ALL ERASMUS+ project and PI for University of Nottingham for TBDTHC, EPoCFiNDS and ReHIn ERASMUS+ project, while serves as Co-I in a range of projects including ACoRD (ERASMUS+), TOTEMM(ERASMUS+), TransCoCon (ERASMUS+), CREATE(COT Royal College of Occupational Therapist) and others. He has a great publication portfolio, while he has served as the co-chair of 2 International Conferences : 2nd Interantional Conference on Medical Education Informatics (MEI2015) and IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems(CBMS2017) and the CAMEI Summer School, among other special sessions organisations in multiple international conferences. He is an Associate editor of Health Informatics Journal. Dr Konstantinidis served as the project coordinator of CAMEI (FP7 - CSA) ( and the technical coordinator for mEducator(EU eContentPlus). His research includes among other conversational agents, internet of things, virtual reality and artificial intelligence in education, collaborative e-learning, co-creation of OER, social media, content sharing, retrieval and repurposing, educational standards, virtual patients, web of data, semantic web, learning analytics, serious games, gamification and exergames.
Research Summary
Dr Stathis Konstantinidis had participated in many EU, interregional and national co-funded projects from different roles within the digital innovations in Healthcare and Education field. Currently… read more
Current Research
Dr Stathis Konstantinidis had participated in many EU, interregional and national co-funded projects from different roles within the digital innovations in Healthcare and Education field. Currently he is the project coordinator of CoViRR, CEPEH and HEALTINT4ALL ERASMUS+ project and PI for University of Nottingham for TBDTHC, EPoCFiNDS and ReHIn ERASMUS+ project, while serves as Co-I in a range of projects including ACoRD (ERASMUS+), TOTEMM(ERASMUS+), TransCoCon (ERASMUS+), CREATE(COT Royal College of Occupational Therapist) and others. Stathis' research expertise spans across and brings together different areas such as computer science, online pedagogy and healthcare. He serves as the project coordinator in the following projects:
- HEALINT4ALL : Assuring Quality Health Care Traineeships for Medical and Professionals Allied to Medicine through embedding and exploiting tools across Higher Education (2020-2023) - ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership in Higher Education (2020-1-UK01-KA203-079155) - (€369,535)
- CEPEH : Chatbots enhance personalised European Healthcare Curricula (2019-2022) - ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership in Higher Education (2019-1-UK01-KA203- 062091) - (€373.555) -
- CoViRR: Co-creation of Virtual Reality reusable e-resources for European Healthcare Education (2018-2021) - ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership (2018-1-UK01-KA203-048215) - (€290.095) -
He is the PI or Co-I for the University of Nottingham in the following projects:
- REHIN - Refugee Health Integration (2019-2022) ERASMUS+ Strategic partnership (2019-1-SE01- KA204-060563) - (€306,435 ) PI for UoN -
- TBDTHC: Training Blueprint for the Digital Transformation of Health and Care (2018-2021) - ERASMUS+ Strategic partnership (€424.957) PI for UoN -
- EPoCFiNDS: Education PrOgram for Carers in Facilities with Neuro Disabled Subjects (2018-2021) ERASMUS+ Strategic partnership (2018-1-EL01-KA202-047936) (334.868,00 €) PI for UoN -; 10.22540/JFSF-04-045
- ACORD: Advancing Co-creation of RLOs to Digitise healthcare Curricula (2018-2021) ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education - (598935-EPP-1-2018-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) - (€688.813) Co-I / Project Manager -
- TOTEMM : Transforming transnational intercultural sensitivity for midwifery students through an inclusive mobility model (2019-2022) ERASMUS+ Strategic partnership (2019-1-UK01-KA203- 061974) Co-I -
- 360Visi : The Interactive 360° video simulation project (2020-2022) ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance (612395-EPP-1-2019-1-NOEPPKA2-KA) - Co-I -
Past Research
Stathis' recently concluded projects include:
- CREATE: Comparing a reusable learning object with face-to-face training for occupational therapists in advising on fitness for work - COT Royal College of Occupational Therapists 1/10/2017-30/9/2018 (£73,697) Co-I -
- OpenLabyrinth: Deployment and establishing secure access to an online platform for problem based learning, namely OpenLabyrinth and identify students perception on it. FMHS Small Education grant (£1000) - PI -
- TransCoCon: Developing Multimedia Learning for Trans-cultural Collaboration and Competence in Nursing ERASMUS+ Co-I (€279.000) -
- East Midlands EPIFFANY (Effective Performance Insight for the Future) Educator Development Programme (EMEEDP). HEE - Technical Coordinator (£15k form £40k)
- CAMEI: Coordination Actions in the scientific era of Medical Education Informatics for fostering IT skills for healthcare workforce in the EU and USA (FP7 Coordination and Support Action) - Project Coordinator / PI (€200.000) -