Learning Objects by Keywords

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Selected Keyword: EBP

Advanced literature searching

How to construct literature search enquiries using the thesaurus, focus or explode your search, use the search term taxonomy to refine your search and combine these methods into an advance search protocol.

Further Information

Release Date: 05 June 2008


Asking the right question

This RLO outlines why asking the right question can help in the search for evidence, and explains how to construct good questions using the PICO technique.

Further Information

Release Date: 11 June 2010


Birth Prevalence

This RLO explores the concept of birth prevalence, a special type of prevalence defined as the percentage of a given population who have a particular disease in a given population at a given point in time or over a particular time period.

Further Information

Release Date: 10 June 2002


Case series and cross-sectional studies

Case series typically involve a much smaller number of patients than the more powerful case-control study or Randomised controlled trial (RCT). In this design patients with a known exposure to a treatment are tracked prospectively to identify new forms of disease or adverse effects. Case series can also be retrospective - here medical records are examined to identify a link between exposure and disease.

Further Information

Release Date: 14 June 2018



Cohort and case-controlled studies

This RLO explains what are case-control and cohort studies, and outlines the difference between them.

Further Information

Release Date: 11 June 2010



Cohort Studies

This resource looks at cohort studies in relation to medical research and investigates medical disease and establishes links between risk factors and health outcomes.

Further Information

Release Date: 18 December 2018



Confidence intervals

This RLO defines the term 'confidence intervals' and demonstrates how they can be used to determine the significance and range of possible sizes of a treatment effect.

Further Information

Release Date: 04 September 2017



Designing a Questionnaire

This RLO introduces good practice in questionnaire design, step by step.

Further Information

Release Date: 01 February 2006



Determining the clinical importance of trial results

This RLO demonstrates how to interpret and use clinical trial data (ARR, RRR, NNT, NNH, and confidence intervals) in practice.

Further Information

Release Date: 14 March 2007



How to conduct a literature search

Practical examples of searching databases of journal articles (eg CINAHL, BNI), including screen movies of actual searches.

Further Information

Release Date: 27 July 2007



This RLO provides an introduction to the basic concepts of meta-analysis, which is an important and valuable tool for summarising data from multiple studies.

Further Information

Release Date: 27 September 2017


Numbers needed to treat and numbers needed to harm

This RLO considers how to measure and interpret the magnitude of effect in clinical trial results using number needed to treat (NNT) and number needed to harm (NNH).

Further Information

Release Date: 17 August 2017


Positive and negative predictive value of diagnostic tests

This RLO explains how diagnostic test results are a combination of true and false positive, or true and false negative.

Further Information

Release Date: 02 February 2007



Presenting and interpreting meta-analyses

How to present and interpret the results of a meta-analysis using forest plots.

Further Information

Release Date: 28 June 2007


Qualitative and quantitative research

Outlining the distinction between qualitative and quantitative methods of doing research.

Further Information

Release Date: 13 February 2017


Qualitative Data Analysis

The aim of this Reusable Learning Object (RLO) is to give you an idea of how qualitative data analysis is done. It's aimed at students studying evidence based practice or research methods, with a basic understanding of what qualitative research is.

Further Information

Release Date: 11 June 2010


Relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction

This RLO considers how to measure and interpret the magnitude of effect in clinical trial results using relative risk reduction (RRR) and absolute risk reduction (ARR).

Further Information

Release Date: 29 March 2006


Search strategy for locating Randomised Controlled Trials

Introduction to search strategies for locating randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in online databases.

Further Information

Release Date: 05 September 2005



Sensitivity and Specificity

This RLO explains how diagnostic test accuracy is described by the terms sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity describes the accuracy of the test in detecting disease. Specificity describes the accuracy of the test in detecting health.

Further Information

Release Date: 12 June 2018



SI Units and calculating unit changes

To identify what SI units are, when they are used, and how to calculate unit changes.

Further Information

Release Date: 26 October 2006



Steps in conducting a systematic review

This RLO outlines the five fundamental steps to conducting a systematic review of health care research so as identify, select and critically appraise relevant research.

Further Information

Release Date: 27 October 2005



Surrogate Outcomes

This RLO considers the type of evidence which should be used when making decisions about patient care.

Further Information

Release Date: 12 June 2018



Types of qualitative research

This RLO outlines the variety of types of qualitative research that there are. It's aimed primarily at students studying evidence based practice and research methods.

Further Information

Release Date: 11 June 2010


Using databases to find journal articles

An introduction to online databases of journals relevant to nurses (eg CINAHL, BNI).

Further Information

Release Date: 20 September 2005


What are Journals?

This learning object introduces educational journals and describes three types: Academic, Professional and Subject. The examples used are drawn from the area of nursing, but the concepts are cross-discipline.

Further Information

Release Date: 05 June 2017


What is a randomised controlled trial?

This RLO outlines how Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) work.

Further Information

Release Date: 11 June 2010


What is Evidence Based Practice?

This RLO introduces the concept of evidence based practice and explains, in outline, how evidence based practice is done.

Further Information

Release Date: 11 June 2010



Why critique research?

Why published research needs to be appraised by readers.

Further Information

Release Date: 21 March 2017