Learning Objects by Keywords

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Selected Keyword: Biology

Bacteria and viruses compared

Introduces and compares the structural components associated with bacteria and viruses by allowing users to build their own.

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Release Date: 08 April 2020


Cell Division

To identify the importance of cell division and briefly describe mitosis and meiosis.

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Release Date: 01 September 2005



Concentration gradients

This RLO describes the concept of concentration gradients in biological systems through analogy with gradients found in everyday life, and outlines passive and active transport across cell membranes.

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Release Date: 01 May 2005


Drug-receptor interaction

Introduction to the interaction of cell receptors with drugs. This resource was first released in June 2004. It has been re-purposed by the Helm team in 2016.

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Release Date: 06 December 2016


Elements that make up the human body

Introducing the periodic table of elements, and identifying the major elements involved in the human body and their roles

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Release Date: 15 March 2007


Exploring the synapse

Describe the events during the transmission of an impulse across a synapse

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Release Date: 01 February 2004


Glomerular Filtration Pressure

The RLO deals with the opposing forces within the glomerulus and the Bowmans capsule which together create the glomerular filtration pressure. The RLO builds on the Starlings Forces RLO by the same author and is intended to form the basis for a future RLO on glomerular filtration rate. This RLO was developed jointly with De Montfort University.

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Release Date: 12 June 2018


Heart Failure

This RLO deals with the pathophysiology of heart failure, drug treatments, and nursing management.

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Release Date: 24 October 2008


Inflammatory response

Describes the inflammatory response - a series of local cellular and vascular responses which are triggered when the body is injured or invaded by micro-organisms or antigen.

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Release Date: 24 October 2006


Kidney Anatomy

Introduction to the external and internal anatomy of the kidney.

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Release Date: 01 October 2004


Kidney Physiology

Introduction to the physiology of the kidney, examining the processes by which the kidneys filter blood, control body pH and eliminate the waste products of metabolism from the body.

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Release Date: 22 March 2018


Liver Anatomy

Introduction to the external and internal anatomy of the liver.

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Release Date: 24 October 2018


Liver Physiology

Introduction to the physiology of the liver, examining its role in filtering blood, metabolism, nutrient extraction and homeostasis.

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Release Date: 24 October 2018


Lock and Key Hypothesis

Introducing the lock and key analogy of drug-receptor interaction, whereby only drugs of a certain molecular shape will 'fit' with a cell membrane receptor.

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Release Date: 02 June 2004


Osmosis and Diffusion

Explaining the difference between the processes of diffusion and osmosis, and introducing the concepts of concentration gradients and tonicity.

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Release Date: 25 July 2019


Respiratory ventilation: anatomy and mechanics

Presents the purpose of ventilation, the anatomical parts involved, and the muscular activity that enables ventilation to take place at rest.

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Release Date: 14 March 2005


Starling's Forces

An examination of the roles of hydrostatic and oncotic pressure in movement of fluid and gases across the capillary wall.

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Release Date: 05 January 2005


The Kidneys and Drug Excretion

The role of the kidneys in the excretion of drugs.

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Release Date: 12 June 2018


The Liver and drug metabolism

The role of the liver in the metabolism of drugs.

Further Information

Release Date: 12 June 2018