Learning Objects by Keywords

Our learning objects have been developed over the last 10 years using various platforms. You may find you need to download a Flash plugin (Opens in a new windows) to view some of the older ones, or try a different browser.

Selected Keyword: Study skills

How to conduct a literature search

Practical examples of searching databases of journal articles (eg CINAHL, BNI), including screen movies of actual searches.

Further Information

Release Date: 27 July 2007


Introduction to portfolios and their uses

To identify what a portfolio is, why they are used and to identify some pieces of material that may be used to support claims for learning and development.

Further Information

Release Date: 19 December 2008


Referencing your work with Harvard

Introduction to the Harvard style of literature referencing, incorporating an interactive referencing tool for students.

Further Information

Release Date: 16 March 2007


Using databases to find journal articles

An introduction to online databases of journals relevant to nurses (eg CINAHL, BNI).

Further Information

Release Date: 20 September 2005


What are Journals?

This learning object introduces educational journals and describes three types: Academic, Professional and Subject. The examples used are drawn from the area of nursing, but the concepts are cross-discipline.

Further Information

Release Date: 05 June 2017


What is referencing?

This RLO outlines the importance of referencing and how to refer to the work of others appropriately. Interactive tasks illustrate the range of materials that can be referenced and examples of plagiarism. This resource has been re-purposed and replaces an older Flash based version.

Further Information

Release Date: 26 January 2017


Why critique research?

Why published research needs to be appraised by readers.

Further Information

Release Date: 21 March 2017