The Inflammatory Response
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Across: |
2. | Microscopic organism such as bacteria, viruses and fungi (13) | 3. | Increase in diameter of blood vessel resulting in an increase in blood flow (12) | 4. | Process by which debris and foreign organisms are engulfed by white blood cells (12) | 6. | Localised protective response mediated by injury to, or invasion of, body tissues (12) | 8. | Unpleasant sensory experience associated with tissue damage (4) | 10. | Most common type of white blood cell, has phagocytic abilities (10) | 11. | Inflammatory mediator released by mast cells which acts to dilate capillaries (9) | 12. | Type of white blood cell, has the greatest phagocytic potential of all body cells (8) |
Down: |
1. | Inflammatory mediator which acts to sensitise pain receptors to other stimuli (13) | 5. | Serum proteins which can be activated by bacteria and which promote phagocytosis (10) | 7. | Smallest type of blood vessel, forms networks in body tissues (9) | 9. | Collection of fluid in localised tissues (6) |