To change the text displayed in the applications - a) Open the .txt file related to the application you wish to change (i.e. percentage.txt for percentage.swf). b) Do not change &textDisplayX= (where X is a number). As any string started with an "&" is a reserved variable name and changing these will cause something to break. c) Any other text can be changed, note some symbols must be replaced with a certain string of characters - use \b instead of Backspace character (ASCII 8) use \r instead of Carriage return character (ASCII 13) use \t instead of Tab character (ASCII 9) use \\ instead of Backslash For other characters that do not work (not common but for instance the '&' character will have to be entered this way) - use the codes provided at To change the data used in the applications - a) Open up the dataset.xml file (right mouse click --> Open With --> notePad / other xml editing software you are familiar with). b) To change number of columns/rows - i) Change (at the top of page) to (where x and y are the desired number of rows and columns). ii) In the section: Add, subtract or replace a row/column name as need be (the numbering doesnt matter as long as each is different) c) To change the data - i) Each ... represents one item ii) To change an item any text within an instance not between < > can be changed. iii) To add an item type out a new instance in the same format as the others. iv) To delete an item delete the corresponding ... and everything contained. d) To change the text displayed on the upper table in the section "Recognising" i) Change the values in "" for c1,c2 and c3; in the section: ii) You cannot add more or subtract values from this section, there must always be three. The RLO is still in development, this is not the ideal method for entereing data and we will be working on better ways to do this later on. For any problems contact me at